

If it's Wednesday, we're reviewing.


June 2018

My Plain Jane Blog Tour + Giveaway

As you know, we had a BIG crush on Jane a few years back, so we’re thrilled to have the Lady Janies introduce us to yet another of their Jane’s with yesterday’s release, My Plain Jane. We’ve compiled an ode to Jane(s) with today’s playlist and hope you enjoy it!


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Dear Rachel Maddow Blog Tour

It is Pride Month and the Supreme Court ruled earlier this week that a bakery that didn’t want to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple should have been given further due process under state law rather than just ruling that discriminating against gay couples is against the Constitution. A senator was subsequently kicked out of a refugee facility, but not before his staff noticed that children forcibly separated from their parents were being kept in cages. The Secretary of Education has quietly removed 72 protections for disabled children in public schools. Everywhere you look these days, there is a new reason for outrage and we must all develop coping mechanisms or we will most certainly go mad. That’s where Dear Rachel Maddow comes into play.

Many of us are suffering the psychological and legislative trauma of this administration. I fear that some of us may not make it out and constantly have anxiety that we won’t show up to the polls in November. Taking action may not be the only step to take–sometimes you need an outlet, a motivation to kick your butt in gear. This book may just be what times who feel hopeless are looking for. I am going to write you a letter and tell you why.

Continue reading “Dear Rachel Maddow Blog Tour”

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