

If it's Wednesday, we're reviewing.


City of Bones

Shadowhunters Season 2 Drinking Game & Cocktail Recipe

New season. New showrunners. What will Season Two of Shadowhunters bring?

Clary has her mom back. Valentine has escaped with the Mortal Cup. Jace is on a ship with him to parts unknown.

We need to drink if we’re going to get through all the action. As you know, for the first season of Shadowhunters, we gave you The Rune cocktail and a drinking game. Some noted that our drinking game may have been a bit too aggressive on the liver, so we simplified and updated it for Season Two.  In addition, we came up with a new cocktail to imbibe while watching the show because who wants to keep any traditions from the shit show that was 2016?

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Shadowhunters Invites Us to A Dead Man’s Party in Episode 3

As you are already aware, we’ve been watching and drinking along to Shadowhunters on Freeform Network these past few weeks.  We haven’t been wowed with the writing, the pacing, the script or the CGI, so we’ve mostly been tuning in so that we can drink together.  Let’s explore Episode #3 to see if this show can redeem itself.
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