As you are already aware, we’ve been watching and drinking along to Shadowhunters on Freeform Network these past few weeks.  We haven’t been wowed with the writing, the pacing, the script or the CGI, so we’ve mostly been tuning in so that we can drink together.  Let’s explore Episode #3 to see if this show can redeem itself.

In this episode, they establish #SquadGoals. Clary, Jace, Alec and Isabella are firmly established as team.

Episode 3 Council Episode 3 Planning Session

They begin setting up the tension with Clary and Jace.

Episode 3 Jace Jealous of Simon Episode 3 Jace Jealous of Simon Careful   Episode 3 Jace Jealous of Simon Unworthy Episode 3 Jace Jealous of Simon Figured Out

But maybe it’s just the Seraph blade blinding me, but I just don’t see the chemistry between these two. At all.

Episode 3 Clary and Seraph Blad

So I’ll just be distracted by the action and the CGI.  But I had to sit through a scene where the main characters did not move their feet once while slaying a half dozen vampires.

Episode 3 Fight Scene Where No One Moves a Step

And exploding vampires looked like this.  My little niece could come up with better CGI.

Episode 3 I can't with this CGI Shadowhunters

So maybe there are other elements of the story I’ll like?  But I can’t stand behind women using their bodies for information.

Episode 3 Seliorn + Information with Sex

And don’t even get me started on Memory Demons.

Episode 3 Memory Demon

OK. I give up. The plot and themes aren’t getting me anywhere.  So, where the hell is Simon?

Well, he’s hanging with the vampires at Hotel Dumort.

Episode 3 Hotel DuMort Lame

Vampires are immortal, right?  They don’t sleep, right?  There has to be some down time between feeding and living,  times thousands of years, that leaves plenty of time for study of new subjects, right?  So these immortal creatures with seemingly endless time to themselves can’t properly decorate the interior of Hotel DuMort?  Sigh.

So, what’s left for us to tune in for?

We can expect for Alec to still judging us.

Episode 3 Alec's Disdain

And since Simon is safe from the vampires, we can firmly have our hearts broken by Clary friendzoning him.

Episode 3 Simon Friendzone

So, we’ll give it another shot, but mostly we plan on taking shots next Tuesday night at 9:00pm EST.  Feel free to join us on Twitter and hashtag #YAWDrinking to get in on the conversation. Cheers!
